Tea Blog

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  • Teamania in Yunnan
  • After several attempts I have now managed to travel to Yunnan. On the recommendation of experienced Yunnan travellers from my circle of friends, Jing Hong was chosen as my starting point. This is because Jing Hong is very central between the famous tea mountains. But the actual journey already started in Thailand where we spent …

  • 1Love Ceramics
  • 1Love Ceramics
  • BIOGRAPHY OF SEVERIN FABRIS AND “1LOVE CERAMICS”. Already at a young age, Severin Fabris recognised his fascination for sensory impressions. As the child of a family that always had good food on the table, his path was paved with a pronounced need for taste. As the son of a fashion designer, a sense of aesthetics …

  • Tea Master Panda
  • Interview with Tea Master Panda
  • Interview With Tea master Panda Today, dear tea friends, I have a special treat for you: an interview with my friend and mentor Tea Master Panda. Many of you might already know this name, for the others here is a short introduction: Tea Master Panda is the driving force behind some of our best pu-erh …

  • Shincha Ernte
  • TeaMania in Japan: Shincha Harvest at Obubu
  • TeaMania in Japan: Shincha Harvest at Obubu After a long time, I have now come to write another report of our tea trip in Japan. After a short visit to our friends from Obubu in Wazuka, we decided to attend Obubu’s tea harvest event two days later. Wazuka is located near Uji, the cradle of …

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  • Albino teas – A rarity of the tea world
  • In the world of tea, there is always something surprising and new. For a tradition said to go back thousands of years while still maintaining a high degree of popularity with a modern audience, gems and treasures are sure to be found. Whether they are ancient secrets or more modern discoveries, the landscape of tea …

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  • The tea mountains of Yunnan
  • The tea mountains of Yunnan Yunnan is located in southwest China and is renowned for its specialty: Pu-erh tea. The province is characterized by its special topography. To the north of Yunnan borders on the Tibetan plateau and rises up to a elevationĀ of 6740m. In the south, however, itĀ descends to only 76.4m above sea level …

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  • How to Brew Green Tea
  • HOW TO BREW Green TEA One can roughly distinguish between two infusion methods: the Grandpastyle and Gongfu Style: Grandpa Style: a relatively large vessel (cup, pot, bowl) with relatively little tea. One does not pour off the tea, but lets the tea steep constantly in hot water. Depending on your preferences and the strength of …

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  • How to Brew Black Tea
  • How to Brew Black Tea One can roughly distinguish between two infusion methods: the Grandpastyle and Gongfu Style: Grandpa style: means relatively large vessel (cup, pot, bowl) with relatively little tea. One does not pour off the tea, but lets the tea brew constantly in hot water. Depending on your needs and the strength of …

  • how to brew white tea
  • How to Brew White Tea
  • How to Brew White Tea One can roughly distinguish between two infusion methods: the Grandpastyle and Gongfu Style: Grandpa style: means relatively large vessel (cup, pot, bowl) with relatively little tea. One does not pour off the tea, but lets the tea brew constantly in hot water. Depending on your needs and the strength of …

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  • How to Brew Japanese Green Tea
  • How to Brew Japanese Green Tea Different Japanese green teas are basically prepared in the same way but the amount of tea, the water temperature and the brewing time vary for each individual variety. There is no manual that guides us in one perfect way to brew the perfect cup of tea. Although certain types …